How to Prepare for a Brand New Pet.


How to Prepare for a Brand New Pet

Introducing a pet in to your family is a big step and not something that should not be taken lightly. Make sure it is the right time for you and your family and prepare your home for the arrival of your new puppy or kitten. It's an exciting time but remember your new puppy or kitten will need some time to adjust and feel secure.

Below is a little checklist of how to prepare for your furever baby to come home.

1.     Have your puppy or kitten checked by a veterinarian. And make sure they have been microchipped.

2.     Make your home safe (inside and out):

  • Check for exposed electrical cords that can be chewed.
  • Make sure your property is fully fenced and enclosed. Check the garden for holes and gaps in your fence, any poisonous plants, chemical fertilisers etc that could harm your new pet.

3.     Ensure your puppy or kitten has proper identification. We have a great range of personalised pet collars for cats and dogs that can be embroidered with your pets name and your phone number, so if they do escape you can be easily contacted.  Make sure the collar fits snugly so it won’t slip off.

4.     Lead for walking and training your pet.

5.     Brush and nail clippers for grooming your pets.

6.     Stainless steel or plastic food and water bowls so they won’t rust. And remember to clean and top them up daily.

7.     An area for your puppy or kitten to sleep with their bed and a few toys so they feel comfortable and safe. There is a great range of playpens on the market these days and pets no longer have to be confined to the laundry or backyard.

8.     Cat or doggy door if you want your new pet to come in and out of the house.

9.     Plenty of Toys. Make sure you have at least a dozen toys for your pet. Rubber toys are great for teething puppies. Swap about half a dozen toys each week so your pet doesn’t get bored with the same old toys.

10. Crate for crate training and sleeping at night.

11. Harness and seat belt clip for travelling in the car. It is actually an offence in NSW to travel with your pets unrestrained in a vehicle. And most other states have similar laws about what is appropriate or inappropriate.

12. Bags for picking up after your puppy if you are out and about. Its actually an offence and you can be fined if you do not pick up after your dog in a public area.

13. Introduce your new cat or dog to the whole family.

  • Always supervise young children and pets.
  • Teach children to be gentle and careful with your new pets.
  • Introduce your new pet to other pets in the family.

14. Enrol in a puppy school if you have a puppy.  Which will also help you with house training and learning more about your new puppy.

15. Good quality pet food.

16. Worming and Flea treatments.

Once you have all the basics covered and are ready to bring home your new pet remember to allow some time to spend with them so they settle in well to their new environment and get ready to have lots of fun.











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