Dog Talk Article with Bonza Dog Treats


Dog Talk With ..... Adam McDonald - Personalised Pet Collars

Last month I sat with the team at Bonza Dog Treats for their Dog Talk project which interviews small Australian business owners in the Pet Industry.

The interview is then posted so Pet Owners can read how the team that personalise dog collars and customise cat collars started the business.

Here is a copy of the article, which you can see the original HERE.


Dog Talk With........

We had a chat with Adam from Personalised Pet Collars to find out about him and the business.

Why did you start your business?

I actually wasn't the founder of Personalised Pet Collars, we purchased it from my in-laws Richard and Julie in 2017 when they wanted to retire from day to day work. We only wanted the business for the ecommerce potential and they only wanted to do weekend markets, so we structured the deal around that and the rest is history.

How long ago and how?

Personalised Pet Collars started in 2003 when Julie lost one of her Golden Retrievers Honey and when she finally found her she realised that her ID TAG had rusted and fallen from her collar, so people who saw her roaming had no way to calm Honey by using her name and then contact Julie to let her know of Honeys location. From that she got the idea of the embroidered collars and went to Narrabeen Markets to see if anyone thought it was as good an idea as she did ... Everyone loved it, 17 years and 200,000+ collars later and still going strong. 


What do you sell?

 We sell embroidered collars, leads, harnesses, dog coats and accessories. The items are sewn and shipped from our factory on the Central Coast of NSW.

Where do you sell?
We sell mostly online and we have a few wholesalers plus Richard and Julie do the occasional market around the Central Cast and Lake Macquarie in NSW.
Tell me about your own dogs - and are they involved in the business?
We have two rescue spaniels, Manny our boy is a Cocker Spaniel and Mia our girl a King Charles Cavalier, they are a big part of product testing especially now we are looking at adding some consumable products to our store.
What's the best thing about what you do?

The community, pet people are good people.
What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
Riptide by Vance Joy as my eldest daughter is a singer and that is her next performance song so it haunts me.
What's the most recent photo on your phone?
A prototype pic of a cardboard box we are looking at for a new Subscription Box Project
Tea or coffee?
Both ... Coffee for the AM's ... Tea for the PM's


Thanks to Adam for sharing some interesting things about his business.

If you are interested in checking out the personalised products, the website is here
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